Ellesmere Port

Extracts of Spirit Communication at Second Public Demonstration of Trance Mediumship at Ellesmere Port

We are including on this page detailed extracts of spirit communication with members of an audience at a typical public demonstration. You will see that the range of topics covered was very varied: life and conditions in the spirit realms, how to promote mediumship and spirit communication, meditation, reincarnation, past lives, the akashic records, karma, to name just some.

We never know which spirits precisely will come through at these demonstrations. Both the number and variety of spirit persons who communicate can vary greatly. On this occasion Hai and WB were the only participants and this is a little unusual. However the extracts give a feel of the flow of communication and also the good natured humour which is never far away during spirit communication.

Q: How can you speak English if you are a (Chinese) Buddhist?

Hai: Ah, because I connect with his mind. We are in fortunate situation of him knowing English. Yes. So I can connect with his energies. You must remember that we are just connecting with him. We are connecting with his energies, we blend with his energies. Because he uses this language we are able to use his language also. I speak through him. I do not speek directly to you, but I am able to convey to you the message which I wish to say. I am able to convey to you something of my personality, because I can use his energies, to manipulate them, to give you this demonstration.

Nancy: I am very concerned about the future of the earth. What can we do?

Hai: You must try to educate people. We know you try Nancy and others of you try to educate people, but you must try to educate people to save your earth, to nurture your earth, to protect your earth, for your trees, your forests, your waters, are the life blood of your planet. Without these your planet will not exist, cannot exist. Therefore you must nurture these things as if they were your only child, your only child whom you dote on, whom you love beyond reason.

Nancy: How can we educate other people?

Hai: You reach out to them with your words and with your hearts. For it is important to reach out not only with words but with hearts, with emotion also. For emotion is a strong connection, a strong connecting power and force between you. You must reach out and show people your concern, your anguish, your love for the planet, for the earth, for the trees, for the waters of the earth. If you reach out with your hearts and reach out with your minds, your arguments, they will listen.

Nell: You say there is an all pervading light. Do you have night and do you sleep?

Hai: No, we do not have night Nell. We have no need of night. We do not sleep, though we can approach something which would resemble sleep to you. We may go into a restive state to re-energise ourselves, to recharge ourselves if you wish, but we do not sleep in the sense of your word for we have no need of sleep.

Barry: What is the purpose of night and sleep for us?

Hai: You need your night for your physical body, so your physical body can recharge itself, can go into restive state. So while you sleep your mind engages in its own life does it not? You remember some of this through your dreams, but you do not all remember your dreams, nor does one person remember all his or her dreams. But you have experiences while still in the sleeping state and this sleeping state is important to your health, to your physical and mental health. For while you sleep your mind is active. Your mind is working on a thousand issues of its own. Therefore you need sleep to recharge your physical body and you need sleep to ensure your mental health. You may also, while in sleep, connect with a deeper power, the deeper forces, the spiritual forces of life. This does not occur all the time, but it can occur often.

Barry: Can you clarify what you meen by the deeper forces of life?

Hai: The deeper forces of life are the spiritual forces. For you look around you and you see a physical world with physical beings, yes? But if you could look within, look deeper behind, within these physical beings, these physical artifacts which you see around you, you would realise that they have a spiritual essence, an essence which is connected, at one, with the God force, as indeed you yourselves are connected to the God force and partake of Its Nature.

Carol: Is there such a thing as the book of life, or Akashic records?

Hai: There is a record. There is a record of what has come to pass, of what has been, even an indication of what may be. But it is not necessary to think in terms of a book as such. This book that you speak of is symbolic, it has no reality. For if you could see the truth of things you would realise that all is connected, nothing is separate. Everything is connected, all is connection, all is connectivity. For when something happens its imprint is left on the Divine Consciousness, upon the One Mind. This imprint is there for all to see who have the eyes to see.

Carol: So is there such a thing as reincarnation then?

Hai: Yes. You have been reincarnated many times Carol, yes.

Carol: So do they sometimes show these past lives in my dreams?

Hai: Sometimes you may be aware that they are from past lives, yes. Sometimes you may be aware that you would have liked a past life like this dream. Sometimes you can tell difference by how vivid the dream is; by whether there are special memories associated with this dream state. You get a feel, an intuition for whether this is a past life or not.

Q: Can you tell me which is the greater religion and why?

Hai: (Hai was silent for a minute). You have your answer. You wish me to elaborate? There is only One Reality my friend. There is One Reality. There is only One Truth. There is only One Essence of things.

Q: Are all the other religions lies?

Hai: No, all religions, all religions are paths pointing to the One Essence, the One Essential Truth. But unfortunately mankind, humankind, sometimes distort religious paths and use path for their own end, distorts the direction of the path. You have this with your Spanish Inquisition, yes? When those at time who lived there during this period they believed that it was necessary to torment souls for their own good, yes? That they may find the true path again, yes? And how can this be a true path? To torment souls, to put people through pain and anguish. How can this be right path? Therefore I would say to you that in so far as religion teaches truth, love, compassion, wisdom, embracing our brothers and sisters, then this is a useful religion. This is a truthful religion. But in so far as it deviates from this path of love, of justice, of compassion, then it has become a religion which is redundant, which is painful to human kind, which is past its effectiveness. Therefore my friend, I would say there is no true religion but that all religions are true in so far as they point to the path, the right path.

But sometimes people are attracted to one path rather than another for it is in keeping with their temperament, their personality, their desires, their wishes and there is nothing wrong with this. I myself was Buddhist monk last time round, yes? So Buddhism was my religion. But I have had other religions in other incarnations and these other religions also lead me to path. Therefore it is not helpful to compare religions, to put one down against another. But I give you the yardstick of love to measure them all against.

Denise: I would like to ask a question for a friend. When you cross over into the spirit world do you meet everybody who has died before you?

Hai: Yes, she going to have long time meeting all these people who have died before. Does she wish to meet particular people, or whole gang, yes? (Laughter).

Denise: Everybody but not yet.

Hai: Everybody is a lot of bodies, but yes, you may meet people. You may meet your friends, your loved ones, those whom you have known in this life if you wish. But some will have gone beyond to other realms by the time you are ready to cross border, but this is no matter, for you have all eternity. You have all eternity to make your aquaintances again. Yes, there is nothing separate in this vast creation. All is connected. All is Love, all is Oneness. Separateness is illusion my friends. Separateness is illusion. And so far as we hang on to our illusion of separateness we cause ourselves much trouble.

Amber: When you die do you keep your human form or do do you go into energy where there are no human forms?

Hai: You may adapt, you may make your own form. You may adapt a form to suit you. There are many who retain their human form in broad terms, without certain bits and pieces; (Laughter); but in broad terms hang on to their human form, for they feel comfortable with human form, yes. But as you approach higher realms, as you move to higher realms, then you achieve the higher vibration, highter vibrational energy and therefore you enter into more of a formless world. But all these things are relative, for when we come down to your earth plane to have a look around, we feel, we find the energies, dense, heavy, compared to what we are used to. You would find our energy levels light, intangible, ephemeral. But if you moved onto higher realms still you would feel the energy even less tangible, even less solid. But this does not matter. It is a relative thing. For when those move on to the higher realms, to the more ephemeral realms, for them these realms feel more solid, as solid as your realm feels to you. At least in terms of the forms within these realms.

Q: Do you remember where you were born and how you died?

Hai: I died of old age. I was born old. (Laughter). I was born of humble parents in China. But as often case in China, in those days, one way to earn living was to become monk, humble monk, yes? To go to the monastery and learn ways of Buddha. But I was not pushed in this direction, though some were pushed in this direction. But I was not pushed. I wished to pursue this path and so I went to monastery to learn my trade.

Q: Do you remember your family?

Hai: Yes I remember family, yes.

Nell: If you can choose your form then is form not necessary for recognition?

Hai: No it is not necessary, but like I say before, there are many who are attached to human form, for they feel comfortable with human form and therefore they take on human form when meeting those of you who come beyond the gate. But it is not necessary. It depends also on which level, which realm we are living on mainly. I live on one realm where it is not usual to walk around the place in form, no. But when I visit other realms I may take on more human form if this is what people are comfortable with and I comfortable with.

Nell: Can you communicate between the realms?

Hai: Yes.

Nell: Are there like, telephones?

Hai: No we do not have telephones. We are permanently wired up, yes. (Laughter). We can connect with people through thought, through thought, through vibration of love. Therefore if you reach out with hearts of love, you reach out with minds, with thoughts of love, then you can connect with those in spirit world also and with time, with patience, you may be able to enter into communication with those whom you love. But even when people go beyond into highest realms. I use this word with reservation for I do not wish to leave you with impression, one realm after another in layer, for this not like it is. But I speak in terms of higher realms, just as an analogy, to describe what I wish to describe. But even those who have gone on to highest realms; we may still connect with them. They can still sometimes come down to other realms, to teach, to guide, to love. We also have mediums as you have mediums on your plane. There are mediums who act as go betweens between the realms in spirit.

Nancy: When we pass over, if our loved ones are on a different realm could the person come down from a higher plane and stay with the person on the lower?

Hai: Well it depends on how low a realm you speak of Nancy. How low a realm do you speak of?

Nancy: Not too low. (Laughter).

Hai: Well you have no problem then. There is no problem with this. Sometimes people hold back from advancement, from progress, from evolution, that they may be able to stay with their friends in a certain realm. But there are lower realms than this of which you speak Nancy, yes, and this would be more problematic. If someone was in a lower realm where they feel cut off from the Divine Love. They are not cut off from the Divine Love of course, but from where they stand, from where they are, they feel cut off. For they have gone within themselves, they have turned within themselves. They have cut themselves off. For nothing can cut us off from the Divine Love; only ourselves.

Nancy: Does that mean that if someone has been a very bad person and committed murder, does that mean they are destined to go to a lower realm?

Hai: This would depend upon their state of heart, state of mind. Whether they have moved beyond, whether they have repented, relented, changed their heart. It is the state of our hearts, state of our minds which is the fundemental determinator of where we end up, where we go to in spirit realms. If we have been selfish, if we have done harm, if we have wished people ill, we will gravitate to a plane where these principles hold true, where these principles pervade. But if we are loving, if we are compassionate, if we reach out to our brothers and sisters in love, with a helping hand, then we will gravitate to those realms where these principles hold true also. But no one is lost Nancy. No one is lost. No matter how deep the depth of realm to which they sink, to which they go, there are those who reach out to them. There are those which have eternal patience in reaching out to them.

Q: In relation to September llth can we assume that the innocent victims went to one plane and the suicide bombers went to another?

Hai: Those rules which I have just said to you apply here also. It would depend upon the state of heart and mind of those in the planes and those in the buildings which were destroyed.

Q: But the suicide bombers thought they were doing the right thing, but it wouldn't be the way the rest of the world would look at it.

Hai: They were misguided people. They are troubled souls, misguided people. It is as I said to you before, a few minuites ago, that religion may be turned to the hand of man and rather not to the hand of God. You know that your sacred scriptures of whatever religion can be interpreted to man's end not to God's. This is so is it not? And therefore anything that can be interpreted, distorted to man's ends, may cause harm, much harm, much devestation, may cause evil.

As you say, these souls were misguided souls. These souls believed they acted true, yet they did not act true. In so far as they acted in good conscience their debt may be somewhat less, but they still have an horendous debt. For even if we act in good faith we must put right the errors of our actions. We must make amends for the errors of our actions. And I would give you an analogy which I have used before. I would have you imagine a vast lake. I would have you imagine yourselves as a strong athlete who can pick up a boulder and throw this boulder into the middle of this vast lake, yes? You throw boulder into vast lake and what happen? You create waves, yes? You create waves, the waves disperse, but become endless ripples on the surface of the water and these ripples carry on accross the waters, accross the surface of the water to the far shores. And I would give you this analogy: that those who perform such actions unleash a terrible dynamic, a terrible action upon the world. For they build up endless karma for themselves by throwing the boulder into the lake. The ripples may symbolise the karma which they create for themselves. For every action has its consequences does it not? Every action has its consequences, consequences which we can hardly guess at, at the time of our action. Yet we are responsible for all these consequences my friends.

If you think about these people who did this terrible act, you know that many died because of it. Those who lived in those buildings, those who travelled in those planes died. The grief of their families was great. The grief goes on. The consequences to the lives of these people goes on without end. But also those who killed themselves in this act, they have left behind their own loved ones and some of those loved ones are in grief and pain and torment. But it goes beyond this my friends. For if you should step on a plane what would you think now because of this event? You would feel less safe, less secure, would you not, as you step onto this plane, yes? Therefore, even at this level there are consequences, for they have created lack of security. They have created distress amongst those who live at large in the general population. And so my friends, before we make any action we should think carefully about the consequences of this action. We should think carefully about the karma which we build up for ourselves. We should think carefully about the pain we may inflict on others around us.

(Note: Hai has spoken to us about Sept 11th on a number of occasions and at other times he has taken great pains to emphasise the responsibility of countries and individuals who create or support conditions where people feel driven to such desperate acts and the responsibility of these countries and the world at large to bring about change and end oppressive conditions.)

Tracy: At the moment when we are dying do our family from the spirit world come to us?

Hai: Well this may be so Tracy. It is often so that those who are loved ones of yours would come to you at the moment of death. And even before the moment of death they may come to you and make themselves known to you. But there may be others who will greet you also. For, because of circumstances, these others may come to the fore instead of your family, your loved ones, because these great souls, these guides, may be able to help you in greater measure than your loved ones. So your loved ones will hold back in their turn, wait for the work to be done, before they greet you. There are no hard and fast rules my friends. There are general principles we may say, but there are no hard and fast rules, because this would not do. We must meet your need, we must meet your time of need and this would not be achieved through hard and fast rules. We must adapt and be flexible for you in loving work and energy.

Q: You said we had several incarnations. Are there also new souls being born?

Hai: Well yes, well yes. But you are all "chips off the old block" so to speak. Yes, "chips off the old block". Therefore at one level it does not make sense to talk of "new souls" for you all partake of the One Mind, Divine Essense. It is rather that it is like a spark. If you strike flint against flint you get spark, yes? And it is like that the spark is inherent in the One Mind. The flint is struck and we have a spark, the spark of a new soul if you wish to call it that. But it is rather a manifestation, a representation of the One Mind.

Q: Can you tell us why you chose Paul to communicate through?

Hai: He easy touch. (Laughter). We must select those whom we can relate to, whom we can blend with. Those of you who reach out to us and are willing to enter into work with us, who are willing to enter into partnership of mediumship with us, then we are only too glad, only too willing to make use of you. But we must find effective blend to work with you. We must select that soul, that group of souls whom we can most effectively connect to you with. I had affinity with Paul from past life. I also have affinity with Paul because he has become familiar with Buddhist scriptures, with Buddhist religion and I in my last incarnation as I tell you was Buddhist monk. This therefore mean it is easier to connect with him than it would be for some other folk.

Carolyn: Have you got friends with you here tonight?

Hai: There are many around you Carolyn.

Carolyn: Do they give healing?

Hai: They give healing if you seek healing, if you reach out to healing they give healing. There are many souls in this place tonight with you, many souls whom you cannot see. Be careful not to move too quick; you may nudge them too hard. I tell these folk, I tell these folk, when we sit with them, that there is huge auditorium like great big ampitheatre. You know Roman ampitheatre yes? And we tell them it's like they sit in great big Roman Ampitheatre. They in middlle, they in middle yes. We all sit in the rows in the seats watching performance yes.

Q: How can the spirits here tonight manage to stay in our room and resist going to have a look in the next room where the music is coming from?

Hai: The walls present no barrier as I am sure you are all aware. They enjoy the music. Music is good for us. It helps us with the vibration. It helps us to connect with you, in moderation, as long as we can hear ourselves think.

Q: Hai, can you tell us more about choosing Paul?

Hai: He not make contact with me directly you know at first, no. He make contact with other spirit. Other spirit then fetch me; say: "Hai, good opportunity here. What you think? Are you willing to take up this opportunity? This bargain opportunity.

Q: Were you second fiddle?

Hai: Well, I was second fiddle in that I was not first fiddle. (Laughter).

Q: If we wanted to pursue that approach ourselves what would be the best way?

Hai: You should meditate first my friend. You should meditate regularly. This is a big impetus to developing mediumship, but we would say it is important to meditate anyway because meditation grounds you in your spiritual centre. It enables you to experience your spiritual heart. It enables you to connect with spiritual truth. Therefore we would recommend this meditation to you. But also, if you meditate, you may help your own spiritual development, your psychic development. You may help the communication to grow between you and the other worlds.

(At this point there was obvious talking and moving around because someone had seen a spider and was afraid. After it had been explained to Hai what was going on he continued.)

Hai: Well you know we have lots of spiders in monastery. We have competition in who can spot biggest spider. You want to play this game now my friends? (Laughter). They cannot hurt you my friends, they cannot hurt you my friends. We know of some in other countries which could hurt you, but these will not hurt you my friends. You must meditate. You meditate, you not think of spiders. But if you meditate my friends. You asked me this question. If you meditate you will spur on your own development.

Q: What type of meditation?

Hai: There are many type of meditations, as you know I think. You have meditation to still your mind, to focus your mind: like you meditate on beautiful flower, quietly, contemplatively, to focus your mind, to still your mind, to enter into serenity. But, if you wish to communicate with spirit worlds, we would say you should go for other kind of meditation. Guided meditation. Meditation of imagination. This meditation may feel like meditation of imagination when it starts, but we are able to use your imaginations. We are able to use your creative imaginations and slip in, put in our own messages, our own thoughts, our own images, on the tail, if you like, of your own imagination. There are those who say to me: "Ah, but how do I know that it is not just my imagination?" Well I say to them: "You do not at first. You will not at first. But, if you enter into this flight of imagination, you will find that gradually, messages, images, will come to your mind and these images, these messages, will be from a source other than your mind.

Q: Are spirit happy to answer any questions we may have if we do the guided meditations?

Hai: As long as you ask your question with pure heart, honest heart. For there are those who would ask questions which perhaps we could call "selfish questions". This we would not wish to engage with. But, if you ask sincerely for guidance, for help, for assistance, for our thoughts on your problem, then you will get them.

Q: Do people need to protect themselves then?

Hai: No, if you reach out with pure heart, if you reach out with loving heart, reach out with best thoughts. You reach out with loving thoughts to the highest spirits. You reach out with this intent, with this love in your mind and heart, there is already protection for you.

Nancy: Will you need to come back or have you learnt all there is to learn?

Hai: I speak not of higher realms, but I have no need to come back. But, who knows, it may be that I am called to come back.

Nancy: Do we choose to come back also?

Hai: We choose to come back if we have the awareness of choosing to come back, if we have grown to a point where we can have the awareness to come back. Can you follow me? For there are those who are drawn back to this realm where they have not made any choice. But, it is like they gravitate back to this realm, because they hanker after it, they need it, they feel at home with it and so they gravitate back to an earthly life. This is unplanned. This is not methodical. This is not thought out. But there are those, the many, who are aware of possibility of return to earthly life and they may choose their earthly life, within bounds, the experiences which they wish to experience, the trend of their life.

Q: Don't you have to come back until you have learnt the lessons you are meant to learn. If you get it wrong this time around don't you have to come back and do it agian?

Hai: You assuredly have to come back. You assuredly have to come back. But it depends upon how far you learn your lessons, as you say. For you may learn your lessons while in this life, while in your physical body. You may learn your lessons in next life reflecting on earth life in your physical body. But your earth plane is great training ground, school, great educator. There are things which you learn here which you could not learn is spirit land, not so easilly.

Nell: You say not so easy, but to many of us life is hard.

Hai: It is hard Nell, but it is not as hard as it would be to learn lesson in spirit land.

Nell: Oh, I thought it was going to be easer.

Hai: There are some lessons you best learn here. Hard life, hard lessons, but some lessons more easilly learnt here than other places.

Peter: The act of being reincarnated from the spirit world, is that as traumatic for spirit souls around you as it for people leaving the earthly plane?

Hai: No, not as traumatic Peter, for we have full knowlege of what transpires, of what takes place. There is still separation, but we can still connect to soul who has gone beyond to earthly life. It is worse in some ways for soul who has gone to earthly life, for their awareness of us is dimmer than our awareness of them. Likewise, you on earth plane when you loose loved one, you may have your belief in spirit life, you may have your belief that you will meet again with them, as indeed you will, but there are times of pain are there not, often because of the separation? So I would say yours is harder task, parting from those who are leaving earth plane. Yours is harder task.

Please click here for Part 2 which focuses on the communication which took place with WB.Â