Spirits Speaking from the Heart at Tranquil Spirit, Northwich, Cheshire
Channeling Spirit Communication through Trance Mediumship
Attunement and Spirit Communication
A topic which Hai and other members of the Spirit Group frequently return to is that of spirit communication. They have explained both the nature of communication between the earth and spirit world, and the principles involved. They have constantly stressed the importance of the focusing of thought and feeling/emotion towards a spirit in order to facilitate communication with that spirit. We give below some extracts in which these principles are explained:
Hai: Do not let feelings of loss or regret cut you off from this feeling of boundless love which you all live within. We would encourage you to lift yourself up, to attune yourself to this Universal Love which is all around you. You may also attune to us ourselves, or beings like us and we will respond. We will bring a link. We will bring a hope. We will bring our love which is part of the Universal Love which pervades all existence in all worlds.
We know of many that you hold dear in the spirit land. And we know of their whereabouts and their disposition. You have desire to make contact with those who have passed on to our side of existence, our world, our plane. But you also know that it is an emotional longing, an emotional thing, to seek this contact. When you think of those who have passed on you are emotional, you become emotional. And so it is in the thinking of death and the seeking of contact you should be aware that it is similar for us on our side. It is not necessarily easy for those on the spiritual plane to reach out to make contact with those they have left behind on earth. Because this too causes emotion for them. They have to be ready for it. It has to be the right time, the right moment. Conditions have to be right for them. You perhaps do not appreciate this from your side. But you should try to imagine the emotions of someone on our side of life making contact just as you yourselves have to experience emotions on your side. There are many reasons anyway why people do not make contact. From our side sometimes they have embarked on a new life and it is painful to go back. Perhaps also it is easier to carry on with their new life and to immerse themselves in that for a time. So there are many reasons why some may not make contact at first. People on your side also respond differently to contact. You would think that it would be uplifting, comforting and so on. And for many this is indeed the case. But for some, after the initial upliftment, it becomes depressing again to dwell on their sense of loss. So it is not something over which one can generalise for people are individuals and respond in their own individual ways. So we must take account of this.
I know it is easy to say this when you have not had a direct experience but you must try to place your faith and hope not only in what I have said but in your own deepest sense of the truth. Barriers are as nothing really. I have told you before, they are nothing. It is hard I know for people to appreciate this. But if you reach out with your thoughts and minds, not with sadness, not with regret but with loving thoughts, gentle thoughts, happy thoughts, with those you have loved who are beyond, then that provides a link and a link that will prove positive, because it is a link of love and not regret and sadness. A link based on sadness and regret will not be comforting to either you yourselves or those who have departed from you. Loving thoughts, harmonious thoughts, joyfull thoughts. These provide a strong bond. A bond that cannot be broken. A bond which you can share and enjoy together. And those who have passed beyond are linked all the more to you in a very real way.Â