Spirits Speaking from the Heart at Tranquil Spirit, Northwich, Cheshire
Channeling Spirit Communication through Trance Mediumship
From time to time we have received communications from angels. Our most regular angelic visitor introduced her/himself as Zeon. We have transcribed one of the communications below. It is followed by a question prompted by the visit, with Hai's response.
Zeon: We love you dearly. We love you all dearly. We cannot express with words the love which we shower on you. You must never doubt your sanctity. You must never doubt your worth. Because you are worth more than your words can describe. Each and every one of you. You are deserving of love from all in deepest mesure.
Q: How did you become an angel?
Zeon: You do not become an angel. You are an angel.
Q: Will you always be an angel?
Zeon: I will always be an angel for the forseeable future in eternity. But we may evolve just as you evolve because we share the same spiritual life, the same spiritual evolution. We are all of the One Mind and manifest in different forms, different expressions of Its Consiousness.
Q: Do you have wings?
Zeon: We manifest as befits the person who perceives us. We manifest in such a way that they can access us, can perceive us so our appearance does not trouble them. That we have an appearance which they can relate to. But these wings and such things are mere symbols and have nothing to do with our reality.
Q: How would you apear to a fellow angel?
Zeon: We are beings of light. Beings of light is the best we can do to express a more fundamental representation of reality but you also are beings of light. We share in the light which is the Universal Creation.
Q: What kind of work do you do?
Zeon: We know what we must do. We know what we must do as you get up in the morning to start your day. It is as natural to us. We know what we must do. We know our calling and our mission.
Q: Do you exist in the Everlasting Now or do you exist in a different time.
Zeon: You exist in the Everlasting Now. We no more exist in the Everlasting Now as you yourselves do. It is just the appearances of relativity which make you think otherwise. The very presence and perception of duality is only possible because of the Everlasting Now which is its source and its foundation.
Q: You sound very knowledgable. Is it instintive to you or do you go to be trained in some way?
Zeon: We are close to the Fabric of Reality.
Q: I cannot understand what you mean. Can you explain more?
Zeon: You have been told to look within by Hai. If you look within you will find the Fabric of Reality.
Q: Is this in some way linked to the Stillness?
Zeon: The Stillness, Fabric of Reality, One Mind, Essence, God. All these are words and concepts which will ensnare you if you allow them to. Before a word is spoken what are you? But I usurp Hai's place in speaking of such matters.
Q: It's nice to get a second opinion.
Zeon: The second opinion, my dear friend, is as the first. When the time is ripe you will see the simplicity of what we try to convey to you in all its glory.
Q: I will look forward to that.
Zeon: Don't look forward or you will forever be looking forward for something that is yet to be. For something that is yet to come. And yet It is already with you my friend. It is already with you in all Its glory.
Q: So, although it's all thought provoking, it shouldn't be thought provoking?
Zeon: Thoughts are not the Divine Essence. The Divine Essence makes thoughts possible. Before thought occurs there is the Divine Essence. What is it? I do not expect an answer!
Q: Do we each have an angel?
Zeon: We are comissioned to care for you, to be friends to you, to do what we can to guide you on your way.
Q: Do we each have one angel?
Zeon: You do not need one to one. Suffice it that you have angel friends around you.
Q: Do you mean there is one for every household or for every family?
Zeon: An angel is a being of diverse qualities. There is no need to attach one angel to one person, but you are not short of the love of us. You are not short of help and assistance when you need it. The love we give out is deep and rich and in abundance for all.
Q: So your capabilities as an angel allow you to administer to anyone?
Zeon: Just so. People have thought of us as gods in some cultures. We are not gods. We are spiritual beings. But we have diverse qualities and abilities which we use to be of benefit and help to others. We reach out with our love and those who have the hearts and the eyes to see may see, may feel our love. But the times do not facilitate this. People are more distracted these days than was formerly the case. But for those who have patience, who have love in their hearts and reach out to us, they may perceive us, they may feel our reaching out of love.
Q: Is it possible that some may mistake you for a guide?
Zeon: It is possible. We work alongside your guides and there is a degree of overlap of roles, but we work together, we blend together in our activity on your behalf.
Q: Is a guide's job a one to one job?
Zeon: This is more the case, but even so a guide for you might also be a guide for someone else. You all must not think too particular. You are all individual human beings, individual souls and it is natural for you to wish there is somone special who relates soley to you. But as you evolve, as you grow, develop, you will realise that the depth, that the abundance of love which we have does not short measure you merely because we are also helping others. The fact that we help and love others does not diminish the depth of the love which we have for you as an individual soul, as an individual being. Love is as fathomless as the depths of the deepest ocean. It is without bounds. It cannot be used up. It cannot be exhausted. It is an ever flowing river.
Q: You have given us more things to think about.
ZEON: Do not think too much. Feel it in your hearts.
Q: That gives to me an indication of the depth of love that you actually feel for us all.
Zeon: We are also, remember, expressions of the One Mind, the One Reality and if you truly wish to dip your heart into this One Mind of Reality you would be best to be aware that the Ground of all Being, all Existence is like a fathomless Heart. It is not an abstract concept. It is a fathomless, all embracing Heart.
Q: Does the One Mind develop and evolve?
Zeon: The One Mind cannot develop. The One Mind cannot evolve in that It is, always has been, and always will be. It contains the seeds of all possibilities. It expresses Itself through Its creation, through Its manifestation and discovers Itself, if you like, but it cannot evolve because It is, the might be. It is the might be of all possiblilities and all possibilities are already within It.
Q: Do you have free will?
Zeon: We do have free will. It is the way we discover ourselves, our identity with the One Mind. I must leave you now, but I wish you a fond farewell and remember our love. Remember the love that we all share amongst ourselves as spiritual beings. Try to love each other with the depth of love which we all are worthy of, even in your difficult physical circumstances. I will go and bid you farewell and we may speack again perhaps, sometime in the future, your future. Goodbye.
Q: I noticed the other night, when Zeon came through, that there was a significant difference in Paul's voice.
Hai: Zeon affects the energy, being the consiousness which Zeon projects. He is a great being, a loving being. He has to use the human voice as he finds it. He has to adapt, translate his intent, his message into the human voice form.