Preparing for Your Reiki Attunement

Reiki Training Courses at Tranquil Spirit, Moulton, Northwich, Cheshire, near Chester and Manchester

For many of you your Reiki attunement will be a special experience, which will be remembered for the rest of your life. You will be empowered to channel the unlimited source of Reiki energy both for healing self and for others. During the attunement and for a time afterwards some metaphysical changes in the chakras and aura will be facilitated by the energy and you may experience these changes in a number of different ways. You may notice some physical changes to your body or you may encounter the changes as a form of emotional release. Either way these changes will be positive in that they are a natural part of the clearing process.

There have been certain guidelines set down in the past to assist in the preparation of a Reiki attunement. However I, and a growing number of other Teachers believe that the attunement will work whether or not the guidelines are followed. Nevertheless I've found that some students enjoy preparing themselves for their Reiki attunement and there are undoubtedly some common sense practices, which may be helpful in assisting you to obtain maximum benefit from your attunement experience. I therefore offer the following preparation guidelines and allow you to make your own decision.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the Reiki experience