Preparing for Your Reiki Attunement
Reiki Training Courses at Tranquil Spirit, Moulton, Northwich, Cheshire, near Chester and Manchester
For many of you your Reiki attunement will be a special experience, which will be remembered for the rest of your life. You will be empowered to channel the unlimited source of Reiki energy both for healing self and for others. During the attunement and for a time afterwards some metaphysical changes in the chakras and aura will be facilitated by the energy and you may experience these changes in a number of different ways. You may notice some physical changes to your body or you may encounter the changes as a form of emotional release. Either way these changes will be positive in that they are a natural part of the clearing process.
There have been certain guidelines set down in the past to assist in the preparation of a Reiki attunement. However I, and a growing number of other Teachers believe that the attunement will work whether or not the guidelines are followed. Nevertheless I've found that some students enjoy preparing themselves for their Reiki attunement and there are undoubtedly some common sense practices, which may be helpful in assisting you to obtain maximum benefit from your attunement experience. I therefore offer the following preparation guidelines and allow you to make your own decision.
Sometimes it's useful to give yourself a break from eating meat and fish for at least a day prior to the attunement. These foods can contain drugs in the form of penicillin, female hormones and toxins in the form of pesticides and heavy metals. These can make your system sluggish and throw it out of balance.
You might also like to consider eating only raw vegetables and salad foods with fruit juice and herbal tea on the day before your attunement.
It's useful, for perhaps seven days prior, and on the day of your attunement to minimise your use of tea, coffee, and caffeine drinks and foods. Caffeine drinks create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems. I have a selection of herb teas for lunchtime, as well as the more traditional drinks (don't forget it's your choice).
If you tend to overuse alcohol, it might be useful to moderate your intake for around three days prior to your attunement. (We are simply talking about moderation here not abstinence. However I cannot attune anyone whom I believe is actually intoxicated on the day.)
It might be helpful to your body to minimise your intake of sweets and sugar at least seven days prior to your attunement and avoid chocolate if possible (careful here because you can suffer withdrawal symptoms if taken too far, too quickly).
If you smoke try and cut back and smoke as little as possible on the day of your attunement. (the same note of caution, above, applies)
Build up your own power by meditating. Or simply sit in silent contemplation for half an hour each day for at least seven days prior to your attunement (I do feel that this one is important and even 10 minutes each day is better than nothing at all).
Do not watch violent or upsetting TV programmes for a few days prior to your attunement.
You may find it helpful to go for quiet walks, spend some time with nature, and take moderate exercise for 14 days prior to your attunement.
Try to become more aware of yourself, your surroundings, and how you relate to them (the above should help you to do this).
Note any emotions (anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry etc.) that always seem to arise in certain situations and mention these to me on arrival.
Please don't forget your slippers or socks on the day.
And lastly, remember, you are here to enjoy your day, so:
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the Reiki experience